Tuesday 10 November 2009

There is so many jumping on the band wagon!

Has anyone else noticed that there seem to be more and more people becoming social media experts?

And has anyone noticed they are selling seats on seminars from £35 - £150? Or even worse getting you on them for free so they can sell you semi related products?

Now I'm not saying these people don't know what they are talking about... well maybe I am.

How on earth is a business consultant, life coach, business coach, financial coach or web designer experienced or qualified to teach business owners how to benefit from social media? The simple answer is they are not. Just because they can set up a twitter account and rip a few articles from Google and clone it as their own they think they are in a position to charge others for the thread bare value information.

Next time I go to a networking event and I hear someone talking about their social media seminar I'm going ask them one question. It is the same question that all of you should ask when being approached by these people. It is the one question that they will not be prepared for. It is the one question that they will stutter at and stumble over. The question to ask is this.... "How many successful social media campaigns have you ran for your clients and what was the overall ROI"

I can just see them now, touching their faces, avoiding eye contact, stuttering and "eerrr'ming" as they try and think of a reasonable answer.

Look, I know this is a bit of a rant, and I'm not really an arrogant guy that thinks "I'm better than all of these" but it does beg the question how many businesses are being asked to part with money buy people who have not been "in the trenches" and ran successful campaigns? Food for thought. In the mean time if you DO want to go to an event that is being conducted by someone who has the necessary experience and HAS ran successful campaigns then go here

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