Sunday 22 November 2009

Top 10 Abbreviations Explained for New Social Media Users

There are Acronym Dictionary’s available online that provide thousands of definitions but most users will only ever use a handful in day to day posts via social media. Here is a very basic top 10 list:

  1. LOL: Laugh out loud: something you or someone else said that you find funny
  2. ROFL: Rolling on floor laughing or LMAO: Laugh my arse off; Something you or someone else said is really funny. There are countless variations of this Tip: if there is an F included somewhere, it doesn’t stand for fridge.
  3. FTW: For the win, use in praise of something. eg, Belly Beyond FTW!
  4. IMO: In my opinion or IMHO: in my honest/humble opinion
  5. IYKWIM: If you know what I mean
  6. OMG: Oh my god/goodness or OMFG
  7. WTF: What the f***
  8. BTW: By the way
  9. RT or PRT: Retweet or please retweet
  10. Also worthy of a mention is the Twitter hashtag #fail – it’s not an acronym but represents the writers opinion of failure about something or someone. “Latest Hanover deal #fail” or “#epicfail (a failure of epic proportions)

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